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The Netherlands puts a temporary ban on fireworks

Time : 2021-01-05 Hits : 131

In order to avoid additional strain on healthcare personnel, their sale or display will be forbidden.

The Netherlands introduces a temporary ban on the sale and lighting of fireworks for New Year’s Eve. This was announced by the national authorities on November. 2020 and is justified by the desire to avoid extra pressure on the healthcare system, which is already under great pressure due to COVID-19. That means no sales of fireworks until 2021.There is however, an exception to the new rule and this is the F-1 category of fireworks, which is a light type suitable for children. According to European directives a member state cannot ban this type of fireworks, which may be sold in shops all year round.

According to the news from fireworks retailer in Netherlands, it's true that F1 fireworks can still be sold to public.

The Netherlands puts a temporary ban on fireworks (2)

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